Links and Resources for Financial Literacy and Banking Information
The buttons below open resource guides in a PDF format.
FDIC Money Smart: A financial education Program to help people of all ages enhance their financial skills and create positive banking relationships.
Banks Never Ask That: Tips, tactics, quizzes, and more from the American Bankers Association to educate consumers about fraud, phishing, and scams in the financial industry.
What is Identity Theft?: Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal or financial information to commit fraud or other crimes. Learn more from the American Bankers Association about the telltale signs and what to do if you think you are a victim.
Identity Theft and Online Security: Information from the Federal Trade Commission on how to protect your personal information, stay safe online, and help your kids do the same.
Youth & Money: Tips and resources from the American Bankers Association to help youth understand money concepts that will set them on the path to a smart financial future.
Tools for Financial Security in Later Life: Resources from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to help older adults and their caregivers navigate some of the important decisions that can affect later-life financial security.
Home Budget Calculator: A useful tool to help establish and visualize monthly income and expenditures!

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